SQLite based Android interview questions and answers

1) What are joins that are not supported by SQLite?

Answer: Right outer join and full outer joins

2) What are SQLite and its methods?

Answer: SQLite is a relational open source database which comes inbuilt in android devices which enables you to store, retrieve, manipulate and delete data.

Using SQLite android application can run in offline mode also.

Sqlite is implemented in our project by extending the class with SqliteOpenHelper class which overrides 2 methods i.e;

1.oncreate() -Where the database is created along with its version.

2.onUpgrade() -It is supporting function of onCreate() when the version has updated the changes in a database will be performed in an on upgrade method without disturbing the existing one

3) What is the limit of data storage in sqlite?

Answer: Maximum data SQLite can store depends on the storage space of your device.

SQLite database save data in which storage?

A) Internal storage

There are five different methods to store persistent data. They are: Shared Preferences. Internal Storage. External Storage. Network and __?

A) SQLite Database

In class SQLiteOpenHelper class, there are 2 methods we should usually override. What are they?

A) onCreate() and onUpgrade()

Which two methods will be Override from SQliteOpenHelper?





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