
Showing posts from June, 2022

RxJava Based Android Interview Questions and Answers

  Tell me something about RxJava.  -  Learn from here How will you handle error in RxJava?  -  Learn from here FlatMap Vs Map Operator  -  Learn from here When to use  Create  operator and when to use  fromCallable  operator of RxJava?  -  Learn from here When to use  defer  operator of RxJava?  -  Learn from here How are Timer, Delay, and Interval operators used in RxJava?  -  Learn from here How to make two network calls in parallel using RxJava?  -  Learn from here Tell the difference between Concat and Merge.  -  Learn from here Explain Subject in RxJava?  -  Learn from here What are the types of Observables in RxJava?  -  Learn from here How to implement EventBus with RxJava?  -  Learn from here How to implement search feature using RxJava in your application?  -  Learn from here Difference between and Schedulers.computation() in RxJava.